I received the flyer above from THE UNITED STATES postal service last week. It stood out to me immediately that while they chose to show the images of other holiday named stamps, they also chose not to use a picture of a CHRISTmas stamp among them. I logged onto their site to view the selection of holiday stamps that are presently available:
There are 2 stamps that say KWANZA on them and two that say HANUKKAH. There is only one that says Christmas on it. There are two more that have a woman and her baby as you may know to be Mary and Jesus but they chose to leave the word CHRISTMAS off these stamps.
So, my question to the United States Postal Service is why if you had room to advertise 3 holiday stamps on this flyer, did you choose to only use two holidays of the only three that you are recognizing in your entire collection of holiday stamps? Why did you leave CHRISTmas out when the majority of the people that live in the United States are Christians and celebrate CHRISTmas? Why is this stamp not on your flyer rather than a gingerbread house that in itself is not an actual holiday?
I have called the postal service to ask this question and have opened a case on Thursday, however they have not called me back and were supposed to on Friday. I called them today but they are closed until Monday. If you would like to state your opinion on what they have done, call the number below and ask for Consumer Relations to file a complaint on their choice of advertising.
Domestic General Information
Call 1-800-ASK-USPS® (1-800-275-8777)
For Federal Relay (TDD/TTY), please call: 1-800-877-8339
Monday - Friday 8 AM - 8:30 PM ET
Saturday 8 AM - 6 PM ET
There is also a petition that I found http://www.thepetitionsite.com/923/648/496/recognize-christ-on-christmas-stamps/#sign, however remember to focus that they DO offer 1 stamp that says Christmas, they just didn't include on the advertisement for their stamps that went out.
You may ask why I am making such a big deal of this small thing? Every Big Thing Starts Small..
Solomon of the Bible said, "It is the little foxes that ruin the vineyard". More often times than not, it is the smaller things that go unaware and turn into the BIG things. What they have done here is discriminatory against Christians even though on a small level. Here are more cases of discrimination and violation of our first amendment in some cases: http://downloads.frc.org/EF/EF12H29.pdf.
One of the greatest things about our country is that we are permitted to practice our spiritual beliefs without being persecuted. This is awesome because it allows more people to come to Christ the way it should be, of free will. With this freedom however will be other religions that are are practiced in our country and we should have tolerance and respect of the opinions of those people practicing these religions and allow them do to so unharmed. I am 100% in agreement with this but I cannot help to see that something bigger is going on here in the last 20 years or so, maybe longer. In order to understand what I am about to say, we need to go back to our roots as a country and where it all started. There are many different places that you can study American History but one has to be very careful where and what they are studying. There have been so many revisions made to everything, that you need to make sure that what you are looking at is an actual historical document. Here are the rules that I try to follow when I am studying for knowledge on any particular subject. I look in more than one place and if there is another side that is saying something complete opposite in some type of defense, I look at theirs too. If their are quotes used or statements made against something that someone said, I go away from the site I am reading it on and look for these in the news and other places that I trust to try to find what they are speaking of. This is to make sure that words are not taken out of context and that videos are not clipped so that it appears something else was said.
Having said all of this, I have found a site that references plenty of information about our country. I found out about this site because I watch Andrew Wommack and his shows this week that you are able to access on his site had David Barton on them explaining the history of our Country. What I really liked about what he was saying, is that he backs it up with historical information that you can investigate for Truth on your own. If you would like to see his site it is:
If you would like to see the show that aired regarding this which I truly recommend, you can see it right now
http://www.awmi.net/tv/this_week God And Country. If you visit the link after tomorrow, you will most likely find it in the archive section of the link to the left in 2013 archives. You can also listen via MP3 and save to your computer or even burn to CD for free http://www.awmi.net/extra/audio/1082.
I encourage you to scrutinize and challenge anything that they say to find the truth.
Once you have a grasp on how our nation was formed and on what beliefs our fore-fathers stood for, I feel you will find it was founded by individuals that believed in God and had Christian values and morals. They were obedient to God and read their Bibles for wise council on how to form our Union.
Isaiah 1:19
King James Version (KJV)19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
What is a constitution?
noun1.the way in which a thing is composed or made up; makeup; composition: the chemical constitution ofthe cleanser.2.the physical character of the body as to strength, health, etc.: He has a strong constitution.3.Medicine/Medical, Psychology . the aggregate of a person's physical and psychological characteristics.4.the act or process of constituting; establishment.5.the state of being constituted; formation. [kon-sti-too-shuhn, -tyoo-] Show IPA
So, if the people that formed our nation stood for the things of God and the nation flourished the way that it has under these principles that came of Godly counsel. Why is America now turning away from these principals and values, in order to appease the people that come to our country to share in the liberties that came from a people that followed God through Christ, but want nothing to do with Christ? Our founders believed in what the Bible says and the Bible says the only way to God is through Christ and that when you believe in Christ, He will give you Godly wisdom through His Holy Spirit to guide you and you will know the Truth and the Truth will set you FREE.. They believed in and were obedient to His Word, therefore they had His guidance as they were writing the principles that are in our Constitution. It was penned of men that followed the Spirit of Christ and these principals have in fact made us FREE. They allowed non-Christians to live in our country at peace because we are supposed to be kind to aliens (which at that time would have included non Christians as most were and are Christian in the US) and they most likely understood that there are many ways to Christ, if one is given the grace needed in order to make the free will choice to follow Christ. They also probably felt in their hearts that once the non-Christians experienced the true loving nature of Christ, they would want to be a part of that like all good things.
In today's society, many have turned their back on Christ. I feel this started to happen long ago when certain leaders abused their authority and did so in the name of Christ, though Christ had nothing to do with and warned against the very behavior that they were involved in. The reason they got away with it is because they were not allowing us to read our Bibles and once we were allowed to read it, we were so used to following what others said, and feared into not reading it,or maybe too lazy to do so that still today, it is left unread in many homes. Why did they want to keep the Bible away from us? It is because they knew the power that was available to us in knowing His Truth, and how it would set us free from their tyranny. They wanted to control the people with fear, rather than give the people their inalienable right to freedom. All of this saved for another post but back to the point at hand, why are we changing the core values that made our great Nation what it is, in order to appease the feelings of people that are unaware that the freedom we have experienced were born of the Spirit of Christ, which is how we worship and praise the creator of all, the one and only God that has blessed our nation for it? Being tolerant is different from changing your values and morals. If I were to go into a club that was founded on and practiced witchcraft, I would not expect them to change what they are doing to appease me. I simply would choose not go. If you come to America, you have a choice of what religion you will follow however; you should understand that were founded on Christianity and worship God our Father and our original foundation will not change for you less we begin to experience the loss of the Grace of God that has made our country the way that it is, and the reason that you came to live here in the first place in most cases. Why is this not the way that our leaders of our country are responding regarding this topic?
Is it possible that the people that are in charge or would like to be in charge are so corrupt, they are welcoming these changes so that little by little, they can control you and eventually enslave you as most corrupt leaders want to do? Would that still be America, "the land of the free", to you or would it be the same type of country that you have heard about and maybe have experienced that is that is fearful rather than peaceful, hateful rather than loving and in poverty rather than wealth? If you want to know the difference of America and why we have flourished, the answer is GOD and only GOD. The government has violated our first amendment in many ways as Christians, as far as religious freedoms and it has not stopped and will continue to not stop there. They are starting there because they know it is was makes us the strong WE THE PEOPLE that we are. If we do not stand up and start speaking out, we will become enslaved by this government and we will have no one to blame but ourselves. What can we do? Start with the little things. Take a couple of minutes and call the postal service and tell that that you do not like the fact that they left the Christmas stamp off their advertisement. Let your Christian voice be heard so loud that they have no choice but to put it on their advertisement next year. After that, each little fox that you see speak out! Just speak your TRUTH in love. Let everyone know that we as Christians have rights that are equal to the rights of every other person in this nation. Each voice together will become one loud voice, that will stop them from taking away our rights and enslaving us to dictatorship. Most importantly study the Bible with a heart set on knowing your creator so that you can be who you were created to be spiritually and that is fearful of no man nor enslaved by him. Study the Constitution so that you are better able to see with open eyes if someone is violating your rights as a citizen in free country. Let us not be the people that perish for lack of knowledge.
Remember that all big things start small and that means good things too. Where two or more come together in His Name, there He will be:
Amendment Text |
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
- See more at: http://constitution.findlaw.com/amendment1/amendment.html#sthash.fEBtWu4b.dpufDEC 9TH 2014 .. I am a little late on this update but guess what?!! They listened!! Way to go America!
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